Clancy’s school went roller skating on the last day of term 3. The rink is temporarily opened as the Queen Salote Hall, the town’s major hall for ceremonies and events. They have about 30 pairs of roller and inline skates they rent out. Clancy was all whooooa, weeeee and ouch! He had a great time and did pretty well for the first time.
We had a busy Saturday with a 9km Bike Ride with Pasikala (Bicycle) Nuku’alofa, as part of the Cycle Tonga launch, led by the IUCN. We hadn’t thought about doing it until Friday but had a great ride with about 100 people at 7.30am. Clancy and his friend Mosese climbed a tree. At 2.30pm I joined the Nukualofa to Pangiamoto (Fear no Sharks) Island Swim (1.3km). There was a field of about 30 and I finished 10th with a time of 29:15. That’s me just crossing the finish line at the orange buoy.