Clancy's Birthday Party
Clancy had his birthday party today. He chose a LEGO theme so all the cakes, decorations and games followed that theme. When the kids arrived they were given a name badge in team colour (Yellow or Blue) and they had to guess how many LEGO blocks where in a jar. They then played some team games including a standing LEGO man puzzle with a Fireman on one side and a Spaceman on the other. They had a Spoon and LEGO race before having lunch. After lunch they attacked the LEGO Piniata full of lollies, awarded the winner of the guess the LEGO in the Jar and finished with a pass the LEGO game where all the kids received a LEGO miniature character and their goody box of lollies and balloons. Clancy had a great day spent with Jack, Necie, Milla, Evie, Elly Rose, Harry, Tonga, Aaron, James, Kate, Emily, Tomasi, Mosese and Piani. The adults who stayed around scoffed on Anny's Velvet muffins with an Italian meringue icing.

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